A Fun, Life-giving Environment for Kids
Vintage Kids strives to provide a fun, life-giving environment for kids,
whether infant/toddler (birth-age 2), preschool (age 3-K), or elementary (grades 1-5).
We offer a full children’s ministry at our 10:00am service.
As part of the church as a whole, Vintage Kids is place to help kids:
– Grow UP (as they love God)
– Dive IN (as they love one another)
– Reach OUT (as they love the world)
whether infant/toddler (birth-age 2), preschool (age 3-K), or elementary (grades 1-5).
We offer a full children’s ministry at our 10:00am service.
As part of the church as a whole, Vintage Kids is place to help kids:
– Grow UP (as they love God)
– Dive IN (as they love one another)
– Reach OUT (as they love the world)

The Vintage Kids Prayer
God of love, thank you for always loving me.
You know me by name and I am perfect in your sight.
Wherever I go, whatever I do, I know I am under your care.
Thank you for being my Shepherd.
Jesus, you show me how to live.
You teach me to put God first and love my neighbor.
Please show me how to share your love with the people around me.
Bless and keep me, my family, my friends and my neighbors.
Help me remember that you are Love.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
You know me by name and I am perfect in your sight.
Wherever I go, whatever I do, I know I am under your care.
Thank you for being my Shepherd.
Jesus, you show me how to live.
You teach me to put God first and love my neighbor.
Please show me how to share your love with the people around me.
Bless and keep me, my family, my friends and my neighbors.
Help me remember that you are Love.
In Jesus’ name, amen.