Our Vision
Vintage Church is an extended family
that exists to model a Jesus-shaped life by:
Growing UP in our relationship with God,
Diving IN to our relationships with one another,
and Reaching OUT in our relationships
with the world around us
that exists to model a Jesus-shaped life by:
Growing UP in our relationship with God,
Diving IN to our relationships with one another,
and Reaching OUT in our relationships
with the world around us
Our Mission
Vintage Church is an extended family
that seeks to:
GROW disciples of Jesus,
In AUTHENTIC community,
For Kingdom MISSION
that seeks to:
GROW disciples of Jesus,
In AUTHENTIC community,
For Kingdom MISSION
Our Values
we gather in worship around a weekly celebration
of God’s presence in the elements of the communion table
we believe in the authority of God in scripture and seek to filter our
interpretation through the primary filter of the crucified /risen Christ
we want to see our lives formed in the image of Jesus, loving God
with everything we have, and loving our neighbors as ourselves
we gather in worship around a weekly celebration
of God’s presence in the elements of the communion table
we believe in the authority of God in scripture and seek to filter our
interpretation through the primary filter of the crucified /risen Christ
we want to see our lives formed in the image of Jesus, loving God
with everything we have, and loving our neighbors as ourselves
we long for a spirit of unity even as we acknowledge how
members of our community often see things differently
we embrace “equal worth, equal opportunity, equal expectation"
for all who participate with us in lives of Christian discipleship
we try to model a culture of Christian hospitality, welcoming
neighbor and stranger even in the midst of difference and disagreement
we long for a spirit of unity even as we acknowledge how
members of our community often see things differently
we embrace “equal worth, equal opportunity, equal expectation"
for all who participate with us in lives of Christian discipleship
we try to model a culture of Christian hospitality, welcoming
neighbor and stranger even in the midst of difference and disagreement
we want to do justice, not simply not do injustice; we want
to join God in seeing wrong things made right in our city
we love mercy, and look for opportunities to join Jesus
in his solidarity with those who live on the margins
we try to walk in humble partnership with local and global ministries,
not just with our finances, but with our hearts, hands and feet
we want to do justice, not simply not do injustice; we want
to join God in seeing wrong things made right in our city
we love mercy, and look for opportunities to join Jesus
in his solidarity with those who live on the margins
we try to walk in humble partnership with local and global ministries,
not just with our finances, but with our hearts, hands and feet