Summer Guest Speakers (2024)

Messages from guest speakers over the Summer.

The Sermon On The Mount (2024)

Primary reference material: TBA

Rewind, pt. 2 (2024)

Primary reference material: TBA

Flyover (2024)

Primary reference material:
Four Portraits, One Jesus, by Mark L. Strauss
Cross Vision, by Greg Boyd
New Testament: First Nations Version (IVP)

Rewind, pt. 1 (2024)

Primary reference material:
Letter From a Birmingham Jail, by Dr. MLK Jr.
Beyond Vietnam, by Dr. MLK Jr.
Jesus and John Wayne, by Kristen Kobes du Mez
The Good and Beautiful Series, by James Bryan Smith
Fasting, by Scot McKnight

Exodus (2023)

Primary reference material:
Exodus for Normal People, by Peter Enns
Pete Ruins Exodus, by Peter Enns
The Hebrew Bible, translation by Robert Alter
The IVP Background Commentary (OT)

Genesis (2023)

Primary reference material:
Genesis for Normal People, by Enns and Byas
The Lost World of Adam and Eve, by Walton
The Lost World of Genesis One, by Walton

Ordinary Time (2023)

Messages from the Season After Pentecost,
also known as Ordinary Time
(between Pentecost and Advent
on the Church calendar)

Parables and Epiphany (2023)

Primary reference material:
Short Stories by Jesus, by Amy-Jill Levine
Stories With Intent, by Klyne Snodgrass

A Church Called TOV (2023)

Primary reference material:
A Church Called TOV, by McKnight and Barringer
Celebrities for Jesus, by Katelyn Beaty

Cross Vision (2023)

Primary reference material:
Cross Vision, by Greg Boyd
Cross Vision Study Guide, by Boyd and Godsey
The Crucifixion of the Warrior God, by Greg Boyd

The Church Calendar and RCL

The rhythms of life at Vintage...

At Vintage, we think of ourselves as a "liturgy light" kind of environment. We follow the broad strokes of the Church Calendar, and often draw on the Revised Common Lectionary to determine our preaching text for the week.
Combined with our focus on the historic creeds of the Christian church, we draw on these rhythms and resources in an effort to keep us tethered to history and the broad Christian tradition as we navigate our present moment.