What's With the Name "Vintage"?!
Vintage has two layers of meaning, both of which hold deep significance for us. First, if something is labeled “vintage” it’s both old and new, holding contemporary appeal and treasured timelessness. With that in mind, we believe it’s necessary to present Jesus in ways that translate into today’s world. Second, vintage also means “of the vine,” offering a constant reminder everything good we experience as a church has Jesus at the center. “I am the vine, you are the branches. Apart from Me, you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)

Are You a Part of a Denomination?
Vintage has looked extensively at aligning with several denominations and missions groups over the years. For now, we have opted to remain non or inter-denominational, as we feel its the best expression of who we are. We have people from almost every denominational background imaginable. Since we otherwise "independent," we do utilize a group of outside "Overseers" - made up of trusted local pastors - to help provide prayer, guidance, and wisdom when need.

How Is Leadership Structured?
With all leaders serving under the spiritual Lordship of Jesus, our Steering Team (or “elders” in church language) – including our Lead Pastor who serves as one member among equals – and our Trustee Team (our “Deacons”) provide spiritual and financial oversight to the church respectively. Additionally, we have many gifted Members who provide input, feedback, and who serve on our various ministry teams. We have periodic Membership meetings throughout the year, and try to vote on as few things as possible!

What's Your Story?
Vintage is a relatively young church, but with a rich history that is still taking shape. Originally planted by Heartland Community Church in Olathe, we were originally known as Heartland K-10. Eventually, however, we became an independent fellowship and became Vintage Church. We’ve met on the KU campus, in the Lawrence Arts Center, in the Lawrence Memorial Central Middle School auditorium, and currently reside in the former Lawrence Community Theater (which we spent a couple months renovating in the spring of 2014.) There’s much more to tell, of course, and in the future we may add a more detailed history…in the meantime, check out the website for more details on who we are, what we’re about, and where we’re heading!